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String.prototype.* examples

The String object has been enhanced with 4 extra methods:
sprintf: A template replacement method.
escape: A method to escape special characters with a \: ', " and \ will turn into: \', \" and \\
padding: A method to fill the beginning of the string with a single character up to have the desired size.
trim: A method to remove left and right spaces of a string.

String.sprintf(str, params); String.escape(str); String.padding(repeat, motif, str); String.trim(str);
The 4 methods may also be used directly applied to the instance:
'the string with elements {0} {1}'.sprintf(params); 'the string " to \ escape'.escape(); 'the string to fill'.padding(motif, repeat); ' the string to trim '.trim();


Let's use a basic function that makes a template:
function test1() { var template = '<div id="{0}" style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 5px; margin: 2px;">Name: {1}<br />Price: $ {2} USD<br /></div>'; var data = [ {"id":'prod1',"name":'Video of the Space',"price":132.30}, {"id":'prod2',"name":'Book of the Sea',"price":99.90}, {"id":'prod3',"name":'Music of the Silence',"price":5.99} ]; for (var i=0, l=data.length; i<l; i++) WA.get('#test1').append(template.sprintf(data[i].id, data[i].name, data[i].price)); }
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You may also use directly the content of the objects to replace into the string with the respective IDs of the elements of the object into the template:
function test2() { var template = '<div id="{id}" style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 5px; margin: 2px;">Name: {name}<br />Price: $ {price} USD<br /></div>'; var data = [ {"id":'prod1',"name":'Video of the Space',"price":132.30}, {"id":'prod2',"name":'Book of the Sea',"price":99.90}, {"id":'prod3',"name":'Music of the Silence',"price":5.99} ]; for (var i=0, l=data.length; i<l; i++) WA.get('#test1').append(template.sprintf(data[i])); }
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Let's escape some strings:
Node the parenthesis ( and ) around the second string, to build first the string, and THEN escape it all.
function test3() { var escaped1 = String.escape('This is the '+"'first'"+ ' string to "escape"' + ', windows dir: C:\windows32'); var escaped2 = ('This is the '+"'second'"+ ' string to "escape"' + ', windows dir: C:\applications').escape(); WA.get('#test3').text(escaped1 + '\n' + escaped2); }
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Let's append some zeros and - before some numbers and variables:
If there is no motif character, spaces will be appended at the beginning.
This method is very usefull to fill numbers with 0, for instance for a month or a day in a 2 digits presentation.
function test4() { var line1 = String.padding(10, '0', '123'); var line2 = 'abc'.padding(15, '-'); var line3 = '1'.padding(5); WA.get('#test4').text(line1 + '\n' + line2 + '\n' + line3); }
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Let's trim some strings:
Note that the &nbsp; html forced space will ALSO be trimed.
function test5() { var trimed1 = String.trim(' A string to trim '); var trimed2 = ' &nbsp; Another string to trim '.trim(); WA.get('#test5').text('==' + trimed1 + '==\n==' + trimed2 + '=='); }
Show the result

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